
Freelance Data specialist assistant

Geplaatst 2 dec. 2022
Project ID: UNILJP00015463
40 Uur/week
6 maanden
Start: 30 jan. 2023
Einde: 28 jul. 2023
39 - 50 €/uur
Uiterste voorsteldatum: 9 dec. 2022 12:00

Job description:

Support the team implement a new system, and manage the Ingredients and suppliers documentation. The main scope of the position is building a new system uploading the documentation and submit requests to suppliers and guarantee the maintenance of the documents approval based on our guidelines.

Areas of responsibility / Main tasks

To monitor access to the applications and their use such that users (only) have access to data that are relevant to them. This mainly consists of:

  • maintaining guidelines, documentation and procedures relating to the functional use of the applications

  • organising access to parts of the database/application and ensuring their security

  • configuring and managing data streams, based on knowledge of the working processes of the application users

  • monitoring the correct use of the system and ensuring data consistency.

To oversee and advise on the management and use of data in order to achieve consistency and uniformity in the use and application of data (definitions).

This mainly consists of:

  • informing and advising users about changes to the data structure

  • monitoring and actively encouraging consistency in the use of data definitions.

To analyse and solve (2nd line) problems in the use of applications. To serve as intermediary between user and supplier. To note trends and tackle structural problems. To inform users of any adaptations or changes.

Social interaction

To consult with and reach agreement with fellow administrators and with local key users regarding data structures, working processes, definitions and similar. To make and maintain contact with suppliers in case of problems and possible improvements. To establish guidelines and support procedures, make proposals and similar. These activities to be carried out in English.

Specific requirements

  • Knowledge on systems, high organization skill, pro-active, problem-solving skill, keep the speed of the upload and guarantee the quality of the data.

  • To be alert to consistency issues in the use of data.

Difficult circumstances

Static posture and strain on eyes and back muscles when working at the computer.

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