
R&D Manager (Freelance)

Geplaatst 22 sep. 2022
Project ID: UNILJP00015202
40 Uur/week
9 maanden
Start: 1 nov. 2022
Einde: 31 jul. 2023
61 - 77 €/uur
Uiterste voorsteldatum: 28 sep. 2022 12:00

Project Management:
• Manage project scope, activities, deliverables and resources with the objective to deliver the
project On Time In Full (OTIF) in budget
• Work with the relevant teams to keep the project on time, in budget, in quality
• Assess risks and define mitigation plans to ensure OTIF delivery of the project without
disruption to the business
• Participate in leadership and steering committee meetings to inform the key stakeholders of
the project progress
• Work with the relevant teams to develop appropriate granular project plans and maintain
• Monitor progress and status on the execution of the agreed project plan and run progress
review meetings, raise issues and/or risks

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