
Artwork Production Specialist (Freelance)

Geplaatst 15 feb. 2022
Project ID: UNILJP00014174
40 Uur/week
9 maanden
Start: 1 feb. 2022
Einde: 31 okt. 2022
37 - 57 €/uur
Uiterste voorsteldatum: 17 feb. 2022 17:00

Job description

Current situation allows it to be fully done from home, but in a different situation it would be nice to have the candidate there for 2-3 days a week


Relevant work experience

  • 2-3 years, including internship experience
  • Previous Unilever experience is not a must
  • Packaging (design), Print, project management


Extension is possible, depending on space/need in the team. Also taking performance into account

Soft skills required

  • Pro-activity, stakeholder management


Technical knowledge

  • MS Office, other skills can be taught on the job (Adobe etc.)


Will be reporting to the hiring manager. Also a senior APS in the team, she will also be in the interviews and working together with this candidate. She is based in Rotterdam, rest of the team is based in Poland


Top 3 requirements

1. Packaging, design or print experience

2. Fluent English

3. Pro-active, running multiple tasks at the same time


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